*apa ya judulnya?*

Seorang temen gw, seneng banget sama film ini ;) . Mengutip katanya, film ini bercerita tentang dua orang yang gak saling kenal yang ketemu di kereta, having a real good conversation, padahal cuma 14 jam yg mereka punya, sebelum mereka akhirnya pisah jalan.

Gw jadi penasaran, dulu waktu gw nonton film ini, ada quote yg gw suka saat itu, tapi gak inget apa itu. ... dan wow, setelah cari di google, gw malah dapet skrip lengkapnya dari site ini. Ini quotenya:

... when you talked earlier about after a few years, how a couple begin to hate each other, by anticipating their reactions, or getting tired of their mannerisms. I think it would be the opposite for me. I think I could really fall in love when I know everything about someone. The way he's gonna part his hair. Which shirt he's gonna wear that day. Knowing the exact story he'd tell in a given situation. I'm sure that's when I'd know I'm really in love. Celine - Before Sunrise

Ummm... so sweet, isn't it? :) I'm this kind of believer. Or more precisely, I'd like to be this kind of believer. [Btw, happy b'day to my hubby :)]

Oh... I'm so excited today, can't wait till tomorrow... pantara islands.. here I come...

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